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Our origins:


The concept of the APT was introduced in 1991 when a group of like-minded tattooists recognized a need to address health and safety issues within tattooing. APT gained nonprofit status in May of 1992. 

The APT is devoted to uniting professional tattooists and educating all stakeholders on tattoo safety standards and best practices. 

 We are a member driven organization which is only as strong as the people in it. 

What we do:

  • Advocate for tattooists and the tattoo trade with regard to regulation and legislation
  • Assist the public, tattooists, legislators and regulatory agencies by providing accurate, up-to-date health and safety information regarding tattooing
  • Provide a professional association for tattoo artists
  • Offer two bloodborne pathogens training course options, "Prevention of Disease Transmission in Tattooing - PDTT" and an online refresher course


BBP - Online Bloodborne Pathogens

* Not valid in Florida

Purchase Course

PDTT - Prevention of Disease Transmission in Tattooing

Enroll in Course

Free Monthly Webinars for APT Members - Join Today!

Become A Member

What we do not do:

  • The APT does not write legislation or regulations
  • The APT does not police tattooists or the tattoo trade
  • The APT does not license or certify tattooists
  • The APT does not dictate tattooing techniques or aftercare procedures
  • The APT does not involve in issues related to piercing, branding, scarification, micro-blading or other body modifications

Professional Tattoo Membership


Associate Tattooist Membership


Cosmetic Tattooist Membership


Associate Non-Artist

Shop personnel, non-tattooing shop owners, piercers, tattoo enthusiasts, health department officials


Corporate Sponsor

Manufacturers & organizations that seek to promote the name and mission of the Alliance of Professional Tattooists, Inc. Tattoo studios do not qualify for this membership level.



What's Next?


We were pioneers then and we continue to forge the way today. With  our public outreach we offer seminars as well as publications to the  general public explaining safe practices and what to expect from a dedicated, professionally run tattoo shop. What good is running your business in the most responsible manner possible if  the general public thinks every tattoo shop is equal? While talent is  everywhere, those who care enough to provide the safest environment for their clients are not. Let the public know the difference.

Regulatory agencies have reached out for help and repeatedly the APT has responded with helping guide sane and responsible rules and laws.  While we do not want any outside regulation of our industry, we  understand it is here and it is not going away. We need to be involved,  so as to not be bogged down with unreasonable regulation. Do you think  you are dedicated enough to tattooing to become a member?